Hitch would have loved it . . .

Hitch would have loved it . . . surely subtly amused. Had he been alive and well and standing in the middle of our local Walmart the other day, the Master of Suspense would have undoubtedly noticed a tall blonde woman pushing her unwieldy cart every two feet, only to pause to scan and scour the rafters in the store. 

She repeated this behavior for the next 15 minutes. She wasn’t shopping. The noise from the birds was too distracting. She kept looking at the ceiling not unlike an anti-aircraft gunner looking for enemy planes during battle. Finally, she approached a clerk and told him “I think there are birds flying around in your store.”

The clerk chuckled, realizing right away what the problem was – he’d experienced it before. So he exchanged her cart for one he had, and when she departed, the noise and flutter from the birds she thought she had been hearing suddenly disappeared.

So the next time you visit Walmart, don’t expect to meet Tippi Hedren or a flock of birds. But you might want to check the squeaky wheels on your cart.