I’m going to be on the heralded Dave Congalton radio show this Friday, May 24th, at 4 pm. What’s in it for you?
Mother’s Day wasn’t invented for my mom, but she definitely earned her stripes raising the three of us. I can’t speak for my younger brother or older sister, but I’m sure that if mom were here, she’d tell you that I was probably the most adventurous. In that respect, my mom deserved more than a Mother’s Day, I think.
Thank God. The 50th anniversary Woodstock festival in Watkins Glen has been canceled. Like we ever needed another one.
What? I’m going to be on the Dave Congalton Radio Show (KVEC 920AM) today at 4pm to talk about the book that I am putting together. It will be a fun-fueled hour about my adventures with all kinds of people in the past and present.